
Interested In Joining?

Membership is by invitation only.  Prospective members participate in events and meetings until they become Voitures.

La Société des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux (The Society of Forty Men and Eight Horses) is an independent, by invitation, honor society of American veterans, more commonly known as “The Forty & Eight”.

The Forty & Eight is committed to charitable and patriotic aims.  Our purpose is to uphold and defend the United States Constitution of the United States, to promote the well-being of veterans, their widows, widowers, and orphans, and to actively participate in selected charitable endeavors, which include among others, programs that promote child welfare and nurses training.

Membership is by invitation, and open only to honorably discharged veterans and honorably serving members of the United States Armed Forces.

For more information about becoming a member, please fill out the form below.

Membership Inquiry

Membership Inquiry

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